Upon arriving at the event please request a commemorative ticket before getting in line. It is a part of the experience.
We start handing out tickets each night of service at 4:00pm.The ticket table is located at the front of the Mesa Christmas Market located in the same parking area.
If you are given a ticket for later time, you just need to be back in the staging area to get in line 15 min prior to your ride time.
There are things to do in the area if you are waiting for your departure time. The Mesa Christmas Market has local vendors, performances each night starting at 5:30pm a performance every hour. Last performance starts at 8:30pm.
Food can be purchased at the Jack Frost Food Truck Forest located across the parking lot.
You can also cross the street and enjoy the beautiful Mesa Temple Christmas Lights.
You can even ride for free on the light rail to the Center Street Station and Ice Skate at the Winter Wonderland Ice Rink.
The train runs every 20 min. We encourage families to come the first weekend as we always end up turning families away on the last night.
Departure Schedule